Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Babies

Thad and Joce

I have two children, Thad and Jocelyn (Joce) ages 3 and 1 respectively.

Thad is the oldest and you can tell.
He's protective of his sister and he doesn't like to share.
He's so smart and clever.

However, he's not talking and he's behind socially and it makes me sad. 
I know, I know, he'll get there, give him time and all that but when they need to know how to spell their name and count to 30 and know their colors all before Kindergarten I'm worried that if he doesn't start now he'll be behind before he even starts. 
We've been working with him, we've had people working with him, 
and now that he's three he's at getting speech therapy through the school.
Yesterday the Speech Path came into the Library where I work and gave me a trace out of his hand
with paper accordion saying I love you this much.

I know, something simple. Something most parents have gotten from their day care or have made with their children so what's the big deal. 

This was a VERY BIG DEAL!
Thad let her hold his hand down long enough to trace it with out having a melt down.
I almost cried when she gave it to me knowing how much it would mean to me.
I am so lucky to have an amazing person in my life, not only as a friend but the one to help Thad over come his speech troubles.

Jocelyn is my baby, my girl, the only granddaughter and spoiled beyond belief
She is a fun seeking little child. She loves to explore with her brother. 
She can climb up stair and toys but can't get done yet and that makes her so mad!
This is where I have a hard time.
She is amazing, learning new things every day, starting to mimic words.
I feel like she's not getting the attention she deserves sometimes cause I'm trying to get Thad to talk. 

But that's my burden as a parent. You try to be fair as you can, treat them as equal as possible.
I keep telling myself that bad parents don't know they're bad parents and the ones who worry about their kids are at least doing one thing right. 

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